So, lets get this new month kicked off. Woke up today and messed about on the internet for far too long. I had some instant noodles. Now, little did I know how far this institution had progressed when I open up the packet to pick not one, not two (which to be fair I have seen in England) but FIVE packets to add to the noodles! One of them was huge, and contained steak and a rich gravy which on first inspection looks a little like cat food, but add that bad boy to its prepacked friends and by golly thats some fine noodle action. I sat eating my gourmet noodly snack which I had carefully rested upon the only think I was willing to stain which sadly was last months edge. I spent the day sorting out loose ends, getting up to date with some podcasts and manga and putting some finishing touches on my CV.
When 3:30 came around I was ready to head out into the vast heat of the outisde world. It dawned on me that I hadnt spoken to Kitty yet, and as I type I realise I still haven't. Hope hes OK. Im rambling. We drove round to a local Kindergarten to take a look at what kind of environment I may or may not be working in some day soon. The people there seemed really friendly and I handed over my CV. In return they gave me some base material to have a look at, see if I could draft together some kind of prospective lesson plan for kids of about 7 to 8 years old. It seems really interesting and a good challenge for myself so I decided to dedicate tommorrow to seeing what I can do with it.
After leaving the School, we were both starving. It was decided that chinese hot pot was the best way to go about gorging ourself so we headed it. The place was nice, typical set up which, for anyone who is unfamiliar, is a table with a huge gas burner imbedded into the centre onto which they place a compartmentalised metal pan filled with soup. After super heating the soup, a variety of raw materials ranging from shrip to chicken and vegetables, noodles, tofu, various things I would never touch but people here love are cooked in the murky depths for a worryingly short time and then fished out and eaten. Its messy, but its primal and satisfying, like fishing in hell. It can go down a pretty gory route if you buy certain things, you consume so much blood from the amount of black pudding related items that you turn ferral. Well, Ive never seen that happen but I did get the impression that the meal, combined with the produce of the millions of other food stalls dotted around would give a vampire a pretty darned convenient lifetyle.
Returing home from eating our body wait in hotpot we just passed out. For about six hours, and I have only just woke up but since I dont envision myself doing anything else of note tonight (except a Keroro Gunsou marathon) I though I would bring you guys up to date. Seeyou next time.

Blogging Central, (Taichung Branch)
"Gentlemen... Zi Uber Ramen"
When 3:30 came around I was ready to head out into the vast heat of the outisde world. It dawned on me that I hadnt spoken to Kitty yet, and as I type I realise I still haven't. Hope hes OK. Im rambling. We drove round to a local Kindergarten to take a look at what kind of environment I may or may not be working in some day soon. The people there seemed really friendly and I handed over my CV. In return they gave me some base material to have a look at, see if I could draft together some kind of prospective lesson plan for kids of about 7 to 8 years old. It seems really interesting and a good challenge for myself so I decided to dedicate tommorrow to seeing what I can do with it.
After leaving the School, we were both starving. It was decided that chinese hot pot was the best way to go about gorging ourself so we headed it. The place was nice, typical set up which, for anyone who is unfamiliar, is a table with a huge gas burner imbedded into the centre onto which they place a compartmentalised metal pan filled with soup. After super heating the soup, a variety of raw materials ranging from shrip to chicken and vegetables, noodles, tofu, various things I would never touch but people here love are cooked in the murky depths for a worryingly short time and then fished out and eaten. Its messy, but its primal and satisfying, like fishing in hell. It can go down a pretty gory route if you buy certain things, you consume so much blood from the amount of black pudding related items that you turn ferral. Well, Ive never seen that happen but I did get the impression that the meal, combined with the produce of the millions of other food stalls dotted around would give a vampire a pretty darned convenient lifetyle.
Returing home from eating our body wait in hotpot we just passed out. For about six hours, and I have only just woke up but since I dont envision myself doing anything else of note tonight (except a Keroro Gunsou marathon) I though I would bring you guys up to date. Seeyou next time.

Blogging Central, (Taichung Branch)

"Gentlemen... Zi Uber Ramen"
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