15.08.2007 - Wii fat
Well, I'm back blogging again for the first time in what seems like an age. Second attempt at this post too. Now back in Taiwan I have a new house which is very nice and fancy. Ive set up cable TV and 8mb wireless for the laptop, PSP and Wii. I've also picked up a classic controller so been using up the Wii point scratch cards I bought in Tokyo the last few days. The latest Wii update adds a digital clock to the channels menu (woo!) and USB keyboard support, plus the disk slot LED lights up when you put in or take out a disc now. I've also been playing the heck out of "Wipeout Pulse" for the PSP, "Monster Hunter Online" and "Brave Story: New Traveller".
Aside from what has been amusing me whilst I am kicking around the new house not much to report. The only exception is that I am performing at open mic two days a week now at different places. I'm just getting confident enough now to relax and enjoy it, although still a little nerve wracking at times. I'm happy to be developing a skill I wouldn't have otherwise back home. Speaking of which I need to start looking for a chinese teacher since I'm out here for another year. Ive also noticed I'm getting pretty tubby lately, eating more and since I stopped going to the gym have grown quite the impressive pot belly. Time to renew that gym membership or at least make use of the pool in our building.
Lastly I have a whole bunch of pictures and videos I want to share when I get organised. Expect that probably this weekend.
Til next time,
This has been MMI
Aside from what has been amusing me whilst I am kicking around the new house not much to report. The only exception is that I am performing at open mic two days a week now at different places. I'm just getting confident enough now to relax and enjoy it, although still a little nerve wracking at times. I'm happy to be developing a skill I wouldn't have otherwise back home. Speaking of which I need to start looking for a chinese teacher since I'm out here for another year. Ive also noticed I'm getting pretty tubby lately, eating more and since I stopped going to the gym have grown quite the impressive pot belly. Time to renew that gym membership or at least make use of the pool in our building.
Lastly I have a whole bunch of pictures and videos I want to share when I get organised. Expect that probably this weekend.
Til next time,
This has been MMI
Hey Man - great to hear from you! glad its all going well in your new place, it sounds like its got everything you'll need for the next year. Me and Dave are settled in to our new house now and after dave's parents brought up a load of his old toys from GY its started to look like we live in forbidden planet :o)
Let us know when the pics are up so i can abuse my work internet a bit more... and keep defying the gym as im sure the wii can act as a replacement!
liz x
Hey Dude, great to see you back to blogging duties! It always cheers up my day to read about your exploits. Don't think I've abandoned my blog its just that we're still not online at the new place! Looking forward to seeing the photos buddy, hope you've taken a few of the new place to share.
Great to hear about the open mic nights - I've been playing your acoustic more and more recently so thanks for leaving it here!
As always dude, stay safe and I look forward to our next meeting, however far away that may be.
Dave x
Hey Tubbs...good to hear your news, how about a photo of your belly and some footage of the open mic nites? By the way the new PS2 and 3 Sing Star 90's disc has Radiohead's Creep on it....just imagine the effect that is gonna have on the up-coming generation of gaming kids..?!?!
Anon xxxx
hey dude, great to hear from you again, glad your settled in the new place. Oen mic sounds good man If you get a chance download the new HBO comedy 'flight of the conchords' its genius.
Tom dude!
Went and got Flight of the Conchords downloaded after you mentioned it and you are right ..it is great!
Never heard of it til you posted your comments so thanks for the tip
Very very funny!
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