Monday, July 03, 2006

03.07.2006 or "Look Tibetans can dance too"

Today was an odd one I must admit. Having gathered all my childlike drawings the night before I woke early in wait of a call from my prospective employer. I woke, showered, potterered round, adapted and updated some of the holes in my presentation, by 10am I was raring to go. I ate lunch, watched some anime on TV, Kare Kano followed by a double helping of Ranma. It came to 11am, I packed up my things in a neat folder, ironed my tie and put on a pair of trousers. 12 am, I sit back down, figure I could get half an hours sleep in before the inevitable phone call, after all, I hadn't really slept much that night. I awake at 1pm, still no call, I know this because the mobile was right next to my head and the land line was just as close. By 2pm I had resigned myself to the fact that the call wasnt coming and that the best course of action would be to drink a beer and watch One Piece in a huff, which I did, and there were no calls. At about 4pm, I called them up, seems the lady I spoke to wasnt in the office right now and that she would call me back on her return. 6pm, I was tired of waiting in the house and we headed out to get away from it all.

We went to a restaurant which serves food onto a giant metal counter infront of you, needless to say, its awesome and it was the mainstay of my diet last time I was out here. With food and fresh air in my I started to feel a little better about my wasted day. We hopped in a taxi to one of the larger music halls out here in Taichung and watched two hours of Tibetan performance artists singing dancing and doing skits for our amusement. It was pretty cool, they were speaking in their own language which created a rather surreal atmosphere. Noone in the audience, aside from the 40 odd Tibetan monks (full garb and everything, just like in Tombraider three) laughed at the jokes. Im curious to know what kind of jokes would set Tibetan monks off like I witnessed today but alas the only sporadic explanations came by way of one or two voiceovers in chinese, and I understand that about as much. They were pretty heavy into the Dali Lama, and when questioned about whether a Dali Lama still existed today, I shrugged in my my usual cultural and historical ignorant way. I was more concerned as to wether the monks were going to start a ruckus and that if I attacked them once, they would hinder me for the rest of the entire game.

We hopped in a very dodgy Taxi home, clutching my big mac and the car door handle in case a sharp exit was required and plodded up the apartment where I sit typing this blog. As they say, with every semi crappy day comes the promise of a better one and I for one am going to have a beer watch some Taiwanese drama from the comfort of the sofa and wait for tommorrow to be more promising. Wish me luck everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, sorry to hear that you got no call - hopefully it'll come soon, and if not you'll have to set kitty on them! At least it sounds like you are getting some damn fine food out there. Hope it goes well. Liz

5:47 AM  

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