Wednesday, July 05, 2006

05.07.2006 or "Another damn filler episode"

Today all my work and preparation paid off, well, almost. I arived at School and put forth an amusing presentation for the little kids. They could see the fear in my eyes and as I shakily lead them through the story of Frog and toad, more amused at the sight of a new foreign face paralysed with fear than the content of the story. I didnt throw up or pass out so I call the whole experience a successful attempt. In debreifing however, my lack of experience was identified as the cause to why I could'nt get the kids to do anything but stare at me. I do however now have the experience of having gone through the worst part, having stood up and tried for the first time to do something which I plan to be doing, even though it was as nerve wracking as it was. Im heading back tommorrow to see if I fare any better with the younger kindergarten kids, I hear they have a more relaxed and enjoyable schedule, meals, show and tell, nap time, music... alot like my own life really.

Other News, I downloaded Melty Blood, now that wont mean much to most of you but if you get a chance check it out, Its one of the best 2D beat em ups ive played in a long time. Ive been messing about with photoshop alot lately so dont be surprised if I post some of doodles on here some time soon too. Like yesterday, I am totally wiped out for some reason, my big post is going to have to come later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man. Good news about the work. Frog and toad....good one! I can imagin how scary that would have been. I downloaded Melty Blood but only got chance to play it for 5 mins. The language was a problem as I ended up skipping past loads of scrolling text. Looks good though, a better analysis will come soon.

Take it easy dude. Teach those kids the way.

3:47 PM  

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