Monday, July 17, 2006

16&17.07.2006 (South of Taiwan)

Well, I have recently returned from the trip to Kenting about a 3 hours drive from where we are. Theres lots to talk about so ill get right to it...

(Quick note: Blogger is not letting me put pictures up right now so Ill have to try and update this later)

Woke up the morning of the 16th feeling very tired for some reason, it took me all morning to get my eyes to open properly. We had to get a new memory stick for the camera so after checking the car would last us the trip, we set out in search of electronics and breakfast. Breakfast came in the form of KFC, a burger and a gallon of iced coffee. After hitting the local electronics basement and snagging the memory card we were on our way.

The road journey was relatively stress free. I had made a couple of CDs the week before that served as well on the duration of the trip, some Johnny Cash, Ryan Adams, new Radiohead and a boatload of Japanese stuff which helped us stay awake. About an hour into the Journey the heavens opened up and the weather turned really nasty. Torrential rain, lightning and black clouds as far as the eye could see. It was starting to luck a little like the beach was out of the question. A few minutes later we made the obligatory rest stop. The place was packed with frustrated looking motorists, smoking constantly, probably asking themselves why they set out in this freak post Typhoon madness. I took myself off to the 7/11 to get more coffee and take some photographs of the shelves.

Fed and watered, it was time to be heading back on our travels. Miraculously the weather made a complete turn around as we got out to the coast. Although the sea was still very angry, although by the time we arrived and checked into the hotel, it seemed best to leave any beach fun until the next day. Instead we investigated the town itself, walking down the main road and eating various fried foodstuffs and checking out the shops. When it became nightfall, the whole street lit up and became pretty rowdy, although in a good way, not in a Blackpool oh no were actually going to get shanked kind of way.
People were coming and going to various clubs which spilled out onto the street like most shops do in Taiwan I assume because of the climate. Even from the hotel with the windows closed you could still hear the music into the wee small hours. Having worn ourselves out from traveling and shopping it was time to return to the room. I crashed out on my bed, ate some ramen and watched Runaway Jury on TV with Chinese subtitles.

This morning was all about the beach. We actually went to two separate ones in the end. The first was quite rocky but really nice to look at and the second was more sandy and hence more people. Lunch consisted of some really nice garlic and chilli pasta and a really disappointing seafood pizza. After lunch I plucked up the courage to go in the sea despite my fear of all things which lurk in the sea. I still freaked out a bit when I felt thinks brush past my feet like seaweed and drift wood.

Before it was time to leave my spider senses twigged onto the presence of a Taiko no Tatsujin machine somewhere in the beach area. Sure enough, tucked away on the top floor of a little shopping arcade lay good old version 6 lying in wait for the day I came to this place. I played six rounds consisting of some old faithfuls to some new ones ranging from fun to impossible. In order to get better I’m only picking musukashii settings now.

So, having made the long trip back home again, life is pretty much how I left it. I’m quite sun burnt despite having put on sun cream and worn a hat and sunglasses all the time. Tomorrow is going to be way less active and more geared towards serious planning for the weeks ahead. I would put up more stuff but I left blogging to the last minute as usual and now its late and I'm sleepy. Until next time everyone, stay classy

(What, no one sent me any signing off suggestions yet)


Blogger Dave said...

Hey dude, awesome blog today man. You're trip sounded like it was a fun time. Glad you managed to get your drum machine fix (sorry i couldn't be bothered to click 'back' and get its real name) Seeing the vid of you was a real shock - I was like "wait, thats Aaron playing!" More of those would be appreciated. In yet another shameless copy of you dude, its made me investigate my digital cameras video features and properly set up my webcam. I'm such a copy of your top class blogging skills dude, shamelass.

I'm looking forward to those pics of the trip

12:52 PM  

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