10.07.2006 or "00:13"
Ok, so I cheated, Its not really todays blog at all, its but a meer few hours since I last posted but what can I say, I felt like ranting and the house is so unbearably quiet It makes the mind wander, and randomly click through other peoples blogs to see if they are at all interesting and for the most part, they arent. I must admit the only reason I started this blog was because I feel I have a mildly interesting back drop which is fun to share with you guys. My utter confusion and bewilderment in Taiwan is entirely genuine and it creates situations on a day to day basis which make for amusing anecdotes. Believe me, its stressful being your clown but I myself enjoy reading back just how unstable may days turn out to be over here on the other side of the world. And if for that reason alone, I shall contine to document my days here, however many of them there may be.
Its been raining here pretty hard today, I figured out that maybe the torential rain contrubuted to my not remembering anything which happened, if that makes any sense to you. We were driving around in the car and I watched kids on scooters battle against the elements in their one piece anoraks. (As in, one piece of material, rather than One Piece themed anoraks, which incidently they do have here). There was a dalmation joining them in the rush, although without fear the dog appeared to be running straight down the road as if he was a car. I forgot about him until much later when we saw a similar dog, quite far away from the original place, plodded along the middle of the road again. It just stuck me as odd that he would be able to keep up such a ridiculously dangerous hobby all day, through the elements and not get hit or removed by someone. I bet he is still out there now, trotting down the road with the cars, stopping for traffic lights and petrol. I hope I see him again, I admire his unshakable spirit and drive to do what he wants to do. Unless I see him run over, and then I would have to say he was a stupid dog.
Dont laugh but I went to the Gym tonight. I just had so much energy left over from not really exherting any energy and eating all of that food. I was skipping around the room, generally pestering everyone else so I decided to give it a shot. This place has a very nice but very underused Gym down in the basement, needless to say I was the only one down there. I knew it was underused because I was cutting a pattern into a layer of dust with my socks as I decended the wooden stacks. The secretary asked me if I wanted the TV on, I said yes, and hit channel 15 for some anime goodness while I work my guns. Thats a little joke there.
I hoisted my jelly like body onto the running machine and puffed away for about 7 minutes before I wanted to die. I slumped down onto the floor and watched a good 15 minutes of anime before I was ready to start up again. They had a pretty fancy looking drinks dispenser, a kitchen and cabinets, I was started to feel pretty privelaged in my little Gym, athough the dispenser was difficult to fathom out and on traversing the workout area a smacked my clumbsy western head on the ceiling. Next up was the rowing machine, which I liked because it was attached to a big fan and using it created a nice payback of air. I did the stairmaster and a strange vibrating bone cruncher thing which you stand on, press a button and it feels like you are being electrocuted from the inside out before swaggering back up to the room, taking a shower and sitting myself down to the computer from where I am currently typing. One Piece Eps 21 - 30 has just popped up on my screen as having finished downloading, I must say, with the risk of stating the obvious, go watch One Piece, Its so good, please dont be put off by the poo Cartoon Network version, its an entirely different show in Japanese and its laugh out loud funny. In fact, in order to satisfy any anime fans out there I will document everything I am currently watching.
First off, "Bleach", Its not as good as it can be at the moment because its filler, but if you havent seen then try to because its one of the current essentials.
"School Rumble: Ni Gakki", Consistantly funny and incredibly varied in its animation style. Its cutting edge stuff masqerading as a generic school anime and thats why I love it.
"Nana" Yes, this franchise should have been done by now but I am a sucker for the whole story and its cheesy emo anime at its best, this weekly version sticks closer to the manga than the movie and it looks nice and glossy even if it is a bit girly.
"Keroro Gunsou" What can I say about this anime aside from it being about the craziest and funniest animation since the first time I saw FLCL. I would love to meet the people who come up with some of the plotlines and dialogue for this because they are ridiculous and the mind boggles at why Keroro is hillarious, he just is, go watch it.
"One Piece" covered it, its awesome, go watch it.
Thats the bulk of it, Im wary of taking on new shows because I need to be doing real things, there are a couple of shows I was just starting to get into before I set out for japan which I havent really continued with, namely Elfen Lied (Partly because it was really mean spirited) and Tsubasa Chronicle (A bit too cutesy and pointless). As always I will keep you all informed if I find something great in the future. Oh and also, despite my repeated inability to get into it, Naruto comes highly reccomended by my friends so maybe check that out too.
So, I dont think theres much more to talk about now, I kind of crowbarred that section into the blog so that I could keep myself typing but now Im running a little on empty, I guess this was to make up for missing two days of blogging, although silence is better than verbal poop as I would demonstrate if I were to continue typing any further, which I wont, night night everyone.
Its been raining here pretty hard today, I figured out that maybe the torential rain contrubuted to my not remembering anything which happened, if that makes any sense to you. We were driving around in the car and I watched kids on scooters battle against the elements in their one piece anoraks. (As in, one piece of material, rather than One Piece themed anoraks, which incidently they do have here). There was a dalmation joining them in the rush, although without fear the dog appeared to be running straight down the road as if he was a car. I forgot about him until much later when we saw a similar dog, quite far away from the original place, plodded along the middle of the road again. It just stuck me as odd that he would be able to keep up such a ridiculously dangerous hobby all day, through the elements and not get hit or removed by someone. I bet he is still out there now, trotting down the road with the cars, stopping for traffic lights and petrol. I hope I see him again, I admire his unshakable spirit and drive to do what he wants to do. Unless I see him run over, and then I would have to say he was a stupid dog.
Dont laugh but I went to the Gym tonight. I just had so much energy left over from not really exherting any energy and eating all of that food. I was skipping around the room, generally pestering everyone else so I decided to give it a shot. This place has a very nice but very underused Gym down in the basement, needless to say I was the only one down there. I knew it was underused because I was cutting a pattern into a layer of dust with my socks as I decended the wooden stacks. The secretary asked me if I wanted the TV on, I said yes, and hit channel 15 for some anime goodness while I work my guns. Thats a little joke there.
I hoisted my jelly like body onto the running machine and puffed away for about 7 minutes before I wanted to die. I slumped down onto the floor and watched a good 15 minutes of anime before I was ready to start up again. They had a pretty fancy looking drinks dispenser, a kitchen and cabinets, I was started to feel pretty privelaged in my little Gym, athough the dispenser was difficult to fathom out and on traversing the workout area a smacked my clumbsy western head on the ceiling. Next up was the rowing machine, which I liked because it was attached to a big fan and using it created a nice payback of air. I did the stairmaster and a strange vibrating bone cruncher thing which you stand on, press a button and it feels like you are being electrocuted from the inside out before swaggering back up to the room, taking a shower and sitting myself down to the computer from where I am currently typing. One Piece Eps 21 - 30 has just popped up on my screen as having finished downloading, I must say, with the risk of stating the obvious, go watch One Piece, Its so good, please dont be put off by the poo Cartoon Network version, its an entirely different show in Japanese and its laugh out loud funny. In fact, in order to satisfy any anime fans out there I will document everything I am currently watching.
First off, "Bleach", Its not as good as it can be at the moment because its filler, but if you havent seen then try to because its one of the current essentials.
"School Rumble: Ni Gakki", Consistantly funny and incredibly varied in its animation style. Its cutting edge stuff masqerading as a generic school anime and thats why I love it.
"Nana" Yes, this franchise should have been done by now but I am a sucker for the whole story and its cheesy emo anime at its best, this weekly version sticks closer to the manga than the movie and it looks nice and glossy even if it is a bit girly.
"Keroro Gunsou" What can I say about this anime aside from it being about the craziest and funniest animation since the first time I saw FLCL. I would love to meet the people who come up with some of the plotlines and dialogue for this because they are ridiculous and the mind boggles at why Keroro is hillarious, he just is, go watch it.
"One Piece" covered it, its awesome, go watch it.
Thats the bulk of it, Im wary of taking on new shows because I need to be doing real things, there are a couple of shows I was just starting to get into before I set out for japan which I havent really continued with, namely Elfen Lied (Partly because it was really mean spirited) and Tsubasa Chronicle (A bit too cutesy and pointless). As always I will keep you all informed if I find something great in the future. Oh and also, despite my repeated inability to get into it, Naruto comes highly reccomended by my friends so maybe check that out too.
So, I dont think theres much more to talk about now, I kind of crowbarred that section into the blog so that I could keep myself typing but now Im running a little on empty, I guess this was to make up for missing two days of blogging, although silence is better than verbal poop as I would demonstrate if I were to continue typing any further, which I wont, night night everyone.

I hope you don't think my blog's boring as my backdrop is only Sheffield, lol! Nice to hear you're working on those guns! Flex! I feel like I'm getting a bit fitter just working at debenhams...hey a big pile of shirts is heavy man!
Keep the faith...and your sanity dude.
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