Thursday, July 06, 2006

06.07.2006 or "Once more into the Breach"

Today I woke up early and headed back to the school. I felt way more at ease this time having jumped into the deep end the day before. Today was merely a day of observation, to see how a day progresses, how it is broken up, how the kids go through the day and maybe to pick up some pointers from the head of the class. The classroom was up on the third floor, although all of the class rooms were connected by an outisde veranda type contruction which meant that you could see practically all around outside, soak up sun sun and generally feel like you are not confined to to the conformity of a typical class room box type affair. The whole day way really great and the kids were the funniest and kindest little things I have ever met. The kids were at an age where they would have no concept of fear or shyness around new people and they warmed to me almost instantly, which made my life a heck of alot easier.

The life of the kindergarten kids seems so fun, learning without knowing it and playing all the time. As it turned out, my observation turned into full scale participation, I played with them, read them all a book, painted some sunflowers, played the xylophone, crashed out for an hour on the tatami mats they had there and had lunch. It really seems like if I took this job, and took responsibility for the creation of a work area, teaching schedule and activities, that I would have a job I could thoroughly enjoy every day.

Which is why I am currently so stressed out about the whole situation. Today I was given a contract to do just that, to have my own class in the new semester (end of july), to have an assistant and a budget and my own little office, It is all laid out for me in black and white. And why you ask, can I not sign it and make the leap into real life big time job land with a good salary (even by real life standards). Ill tell you! Its because my university takes so freakin long to give us the actual piece of diploma paper which I need to present along with my passport in order that the school can convince the government to let me live and work here. As I sit here typing it is 21:38PM on the 6th. My only shot at getting this sorted is if University puts up those results at 00:01 UK time and I have A) Passed and B) That the print out of the results from the net will be enough to warrent the application of a work permit. Now those are some big IFs, but unfortunately they constitute the horse I have backed all my money on.

Now I know, I know, last time I said that life was going south, It turned around the very next day, but as Spiderman says, "everybody gets one" and I hope to god that I get two, because if I get this job, I know I can stop hanging my hopes on alot of things and head towards one definate goal. For everyone else I know from University who reads this, I wish you the very best of luck, I know you, like me will be refreshing that page until the results pop up. I just hope you all, like me, didnt gamble so steeply on the outcome.

As always with this crazy journey, I will keep you all posted,


Blogger Dave said...

Great blog today man! Good news about those nice kids and I hope everything works out for you, I really do. I've shamlessly copied you completly and set up my own blog on blogger( I'm thinking of even taking a screenshot and sticking it on myspace as a link 9how cheeky of me!)

Good luck with the grades dude.

3:46 PM  

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