07.07.2006 (Part 2) or "Patience is a virtue"

Oh, and I signed the contract for my job today. My description may sound a little lack luster but rest asured, these two things are perhaps the most important things I have acheived in my entire life. Im am in utter shock and disbelief and now, as I sit here typing, a little fried (I got lost out in town again, my brain fluid boiled over), I wonder what is to become of me. These things mean big descisons need to be made. Firstly, once my work visa is through, it means I will not be coming home. Secondly, because of the School schedule, I unfortunately will not be graduating with you guys this year, although I hope to tag along to a future one. And finally, it means I was able to pass an entire degree, despite having failed to understand massive chunks of what has been taught, and I think you all know which parts.
But anyway, enough about me, I want to here about you guys, how did it go, what are you doing to do now? I sincerely hope you all aced it and are now celebrating with massive measures of partying, I wish I could be there for that.
I shall leave you for today, look forward to more pretentious blog titles in the future as I attempt to become a teacher and forge myself some kind of life.
Take care,
I got a 2:1 too dude! I'm throwing you a long distance high five. Not sure what Liz got as shes at work right now. Sucks that you wont be at graduation though but it seems like you're on your way to sorting things out over there and thats awesome! I guess if I want to party with you I'll have to come there!
Keep us informed dude
Hey man, congrats on the job and result. not realy up to anything myself, good blog by the way
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