Wednesday, August 02, 2006

02.08.2006 or "Forget about the 1st"

Well its a new month and I'm still here writing what is apparantly my 41st blog entry here at MMI. Im suprised really, I dont think I have ever maintaned any type of internet past time for this long before, I usually just get bored and find something else to play with. Im sure its that this site serves such a cathartic purpose in my overseas life that I just have to keep coming back. Well, lets hope we see 40 more in the future.

Its about 9pm and after I finish this entry I really need to do some planning for tommorrow's school day. Today was good but as soon as I hit home time, the skies opened and it started chucking it down by the bucket load, and thunder and lightnight followed. We had to change the weather on our class calender twice in the space of five minutes from miserable rainy face to angry storm face. I had to leave the trusty bicycle at the school because it would have taken a braver man than me to attempt the journey home. Instead I got a lift and we went out to get some pasta nearby. Returning home I watched some Anime on TV about a possesed violin, creepy. Im not going to talk about Anime here anymore since just five minutes ago I updated my Anime Blog with an entry.

Umm, what else, aside from being pretty wiped out(I didnt have my nap today) I havent really got much non work news of note. Tommorrow is busy all day, probably just come home and collapse again. Friday too, Saturday we go to a Theme park of some kind so expect a Blog of higher standard around that date. Not that I wont post when I have absolutely nothing to say (Because I do, you have witnessed this), but I think it should provide ample rant and photo oportunities to share with you, the reader.

Im going to go now and do some more work and then slip into a deep deep sleep. I hope everyone on the other side of the world can do the same thing when your bedtime arrives. From everyone here at MMI sweet dreams.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man

The weather has also taken a turn for the worse here, and Sheffield has been a bit grim this week. I'm looking out of my office window now and it looks like I've got a drizzly walk home on the cards.

Here's to the next 40 blogs (I'm raising an imaginary glass in a toast, but I've just got a weird look from my manager, so the glass has been put down!.) As Kris Kristofferson would say...

Keep on bloggin'

8:20 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

Yo dude,
Keep on blogging dude, MMI forever!

God I hope it doesn't rain bad here, my new hair colour runs if it gets wet. I feel like a gremlin!

Dave x

9:18 AM  

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