Friday, August 04, 2006

04.08.2006 or “Weather: Smiley Face”

It suddenly dawned on me that the reason why my blog entries have been so sparse in detail of late is solely down to the time which I choose to write the things. It always seemed fitting to me that the creation of a new entries should fall into the category of tasks to be dealt with before bedtime, when all of the things of note which happen have already happened. However, due to the fact that it seems that I am always going to be pretty tired during weekdays when I return home, I have decided to use what free time I have during the day to see if the quality of my blogs improve somewhat. Based already on my legibility it seems that this might be a good idea. For one, it’s cooler, quieter and much more relaxing during mid day naptime to tell you what I’m up to. Also, I have just woken up myself from about an hours sleep, feeling refreshed and ready for the afternoon’s activities.

Today so far has been pretty good. I woke up pretty easily and managed to grab some breakfast on the way in to work. I had a chicken sandwich and some iced coffee which I ate hunched over my tiny desk whilst waiting for school to start and the children to finish their own breakfasts, which needless to say were a sight healthier than mine. The rough weather we have been having recently seems to have dissipated and today brings and cool breeze and sense of calm which I enjoyed during break time. I cannot stress how much better it is not having to suffer the effects of hay fever out here. I’m not sure of the scientific reasons as to why the pollen in Asia doesn’t make me ill and the flowers at home do but Its a great relief. Unfortunately things like dust still get me and my eyes started itching a little on the tatami mats so I think Its about time I gave them a hoover.

So I roughly three hours time, the conclusion of my first week of school will arrive and I get to spend two days pottering about to my own devices and sleeping. I have no cause to complain about work whatsoever mind you, It never feels like work in the sense of menial work, it feels like a challenge but in a mentally stimulating fun way which has to be good in a job right. Unlike all of the other jobs I have done in my life, my soul is still entirely intact at the end of the week and I feel fulfilled rather than degraded or physically exhausted. Next week real school life kicks in to gear, which means real topics, real experiments and more hard work, but ultimately a more interesting work day. Hopefully the daily routine will click into place with my mental gears and I can learn to be more awake at the right time. All in all, I survived and think I have gotten over the worst part of the integration process.

(Late Night Addition to What I wrote before this point)

True to my aforementioned statement, there is no way in hell I could have produced that many words in the tired state I am in now. This is about all I can muster, I went to TGI Fridays, it was very good, I did lots of things which I was way to tired to do and now I must collapse. Night Night



Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on surviving your first week dude, glad your enjoying it. Dont take the mental stimulation it for granted, i put plugs in boxes for 9 hours a day for minimum wage.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

Good to hear you've found soul filling work and good idea about the time of blogging. I myself have to make sure I make time and dont leave it until too late in the day.

Enjoy your weekend dude, have a drink on me!

2:34 PM  

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