02.08.2006 or "Ow! My poor god damn back!"
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Yesterday round about lunchtime I managed to hurt my back somehow, I forget exactly what It was but by last night I was in quite alot of pain. When I went to bed I put some heat packs on my spine to see if they would get better. It hasnt and it is still really painful. The best way I can describe it is the sensation of being winded in your stomach transfered to the back. Its hard at move and breathe and the only think I can do is try and rest enough so that it gets better. I have had this about three of four times before and it think it started because I am quite tall and prone to slouching which gives me back ache. What I usually do in that scenario is try to stretch out my spine somehow resulting in a comfortable crack crack cracking sound. This time no amount of stretching seems to help, I will have to ride it out as a pretty bad case of back ache until I can get to a doctor.
So because of that im pretty immobile this weekend. I am on my own in the house but I have lots of things I can be doing. Firstly Im going to get back into my Japanese studies finally. There are just too many opportunities to read, play and watch Japanese language things here to pass up and I really need to work on building my vocab and learning more Kanji. This in turn will benefit you the reader since I will be able to talk about things I have read or played which you may not have heard about. I will be making use of the infinately useful Japanesepod101.com podcast and my own books to aid my learning and maybe ask one of the Japanese people I see if they know of any tutoring programmes in the area.
I know my posting has been slightly sparse and sporadic lately and I am working on fixing that. Thanks to all my readers for coming back and listening to me moan,
Tell Next time,
(Update: Im off to see the doctor later on in the day to find out what is up)

Yesterday round about lunchtime I managed to hurt my back somehow, I forget exactly what It was but by last night I was in quite alot of pain. When I went to bed I put some heat packs on my spine to see if they would get better. It hasnt and it is still really painful. The best way I can describe it is the sensation of being winded in your stomach transfered to the back. Its hard at move and breathe and the only think I can do is try and rest enough so that it gets better. I have had this about three of four times before and it think it started because I am quite tall and prone to slouching which gives me back ache. What I usually do in that scenario is try to stretch out my spine somehow resulting in a comfortable crack crack cracking sound. This time no amount of stretching seems to help, I will have to ride it out as a pretty bad case of back ache until I can get to a doctor.
So because of that im pretty immobile this weekend. I am on my own in the house but I have lots of things I can be doing. Firstly Im going to get back into my Japanese studies finally. There are just too many opportunities to read, play and watch Japanese language things here to pass up and I really need to work on building my vocab and learning more Kanji. This in turn will benefit you the reader since I will be able to talk about things I have read or played which you may not have heard about. I will be making use of the infinately useful Japanesepod101.com podcast and my own books to aid my learning and maybe ask one of the Japanese people I see if they know of any tutoring programmes in the area.
I know my posting has been slightly sparse and sporadic lately and I am working on fixing that. Thanks to all my readers for coming back and listening to me moan,
Tell Next time,
(Update: Im off to see the doctor later on in the day to find out what is up)
As a qualified Doctor may I say that I diagnose that your recent cold and in particular your cough has caused your muscles to go into spasm resulting in the pain you are suffering;heat is good but do not become imobile (likewise do not overdo it)
hey man, hope your back feels better soon.
Nice to see Dr tron has helped (who??) Hope its better man
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