12.08.2006 or "Nova"
Saturday was a propper day off. Slept in really late and woke with only one concern which was getting Breakfast/Lunch. When we set out we were heading in the general direction of NOVA the electronics department so an adjacant KFC was deemed the best place to fill the gap. KFC is different here in lots of ways and I am yet to figure out if these are improvements or not.

Firsly the texture of the chicken and chicken related products is different. In its favour it is way less greasy, but it is really flakey and seems to lack the flavour which gets soaked in with all the fat in KFC in the west. I noticed they did have the choice of two types of coating. They had the origial recipie and also a spicy chilli and lemon coating which was also quite good. I settled for a filet burger and a coke. For dessert they make these awesome little egg custard things which are hot and and you can choose normal or coffee flavour. Overal its a good eating experience and you get the benefit of being treated really well by the staff, the absence of which is something I know puts alot of people off fast food in my country.
So after lunch It was time to get stuck into some geek shopping. The walk down to NOVA sets the theme for this area of town, like a little Akihabara minus the sin. Outside people were putting all of their receipts into a raffle counter which aparantly gets you some more cool tech stuff if you win.

Heading inside the place was pretty busy, more video screens than you can count and a varied mix of shiney showrooms and bulky wholsale stockrooms. On the first floor the order of the day was mostly digital cameras and mobile phones. Sony has just released three new digital cameras recently and they are being marketed together in a big advertising campaign, each of them aimed at a different demographic aparantly.
The first, the DSC-W100 is aimed at the family man, cause it has a propper zoom you see, but its not fashionable enough to seem unsensible. The second, the DSC-T30 is aimed at the young female Asian teenager who lives a crazy go getting lifestyle. Thats cause it doesnt have a propper zoom (no time for zooming) and it is sleek and fashionable, and small so it can fit into ridiculously small handbags. The last of the three is the DSC-H2 which has a bloody great zoom on it and it looks more like an art student camera. I can tell this is aimed at such a character because the guy on the adverts has a scarf on! Man, thats subversive, especially in this heat.
And he is wearing jeans, and he has slightly spikey hair. Ironically this was the first camera which caught my attention which means I identify with the fashionable social misfit rouge type and therefore must have this camera. I must have it so I can take pictures of things from cookey angles and take pictures of social injustice from really far away with my massive zoom lense. Then I can go home and write an ironic blog, listen to some coldplay and smell some flowers, cry a silent tear and sleep curled up on my hemp rug. Damn you Sony for telling me so acurately how I live my life.
The second floor was all about making your own PC from the constituent parts scattered around this floor. It was here that I wished I actually knew about hardware and could stick all the best bits together and have a monster PC. One thing I could tell is that everything was really cheap and that if I had any money whatsoever this is where I would spend it. The amount of machinary up there was inumerable and all the more impressive for being in such a compacted space.
On the way out of the shop after much wandering my eye was caught by a really cool looking monitor, 22 inch flat, widescreen, HD monitor which just looked the business. I pointed it out to my girlfriend and after telling her what HD was and how the size and clarity would make anything we watched on the computer pretty awsome to look at she engaged into heated bargaining with guy in the shop. I of course was useless to this end and instead waited and watched the japanese idols which had been set on a rotation screensaver on all 50 of the monitors in front of me, pretty hard to avoid. After a bit and a much reduced price the deal was sealed and I took upon myself the task of lugging the thing back to the car. Now it sits snuggly infront of me as I type this entry and it makes everything seem so much more epic. Well actually ironically because the resolutution is set so high the desktop has become so huge that most things seem under whelimg until you make them full screen. I never understood the benfits of a widescreen desktop until now. When blogger lets me put more pictures up I will show you what it looks like along with the rest of the picturs of NOVA which were denied to you by blogger. Thats all for saturday, see you in 9 hours for Sundays entry

Firsly the texture of the chicken and chicken related products is different. In its favour it is way less greasy, but it is really flakey and seems to lack the flavour which gets soaked in with all the fat in KFC in the west. I noticed they did have the choice of two types of coating. They had the origial recipie and also a spicy chilli and lemon coating which was also quite good. I settled for a filet burger and a coke. For dessert they make these awesome little egg custard things which are hot and and you can choose normal or coffee flavour. Overal its a good eating experience and you get the benefit of being treated really well by the staff, the absence of which is something I know puts alot of people off fast food in my country.
So after lunch It was time to get stuck into some geek shopping. The walk down to NOVA sets the theme for this area of town, like a little Akihabara minus the sin. Outside people were putting all of their receipts into a raffle counter which aparantly gets you some more cool tech stuff if you win.

Heading inside the place was pretty busy, more video screens than you can count and a varied mix of shiney showrooms and bulky wholsale stockrooms. On the first floor the order of the day was mostly digital cameras and mobile phones. Sony has just released three new digital cameras recently and they are being marketed together in a big advertising campaign, each of them aimed at a different demographic aparantly.
The first, the DSC-W100 is aimed at the family man, cause it has a propper zoom you see, but its not fashionable enough to seem unsensible. The second, the DSC-T30 is aimed at the young female Asian teenager who lives a crazy go getting lifestyle. Thats cause it doesnt have a propper zoom (no time for zooming) and it is sleek and fashionable, and small so it can fit into ridiculously small handbags. The last of the three is the DSC-H2 which has a bloody great zoom on it and it looks more like an art student camera. I can tell this is aimed at such a character because the guy on the adverts has a scarf on! Man, thats subversive, especially in this heat.
And he is wearing jeans, and he has slightly spikey hair. Ironically this was the first camera which caught my attention which means I identify with the fashionable social misfit rouge type and therefore must have this camera. I must have it so I can take pictures of things from cookey angles and take pictures of social injustice from really far away with my massive zoom lense. Then I can go home and write an ironic blog, listen to some coldplay and smell some flowers, cry a silent tear and sleep curled up on my hemp rug. Damn you Sony for telling me so acurately how I live my life.
The second floor was all about making your own PC from the constituent parts scattered around this floor. It was here that I wished I actually knew about hardware and could stick all the best bits together and have a monster PC. One thing I could tell is that everything was really cheap and that if I had any money whatsoever this is where I would spend it. The amount of machinary up there was inumerable and all the more impressive for being in such a compacted space.
On the way out of the shop after much wandering my eye was caught by a really cool looking monitor, 22 inch flat, widescreen, HD monitor which just looked the business. I pointed it out to my girlfriend and after telling her what HD was and how the size and clarity would make anything we watched on the computer pretty awsome to look at she engaged into heated bargaining with guy in the shop. I of course was useless to this end and instead waited and watched the japanese idols which had been set on a rotation screensaver on all 50 of the monitors in front of me, pretty hard to avoid. After a bit and a much reduced price the deal was sealed and I took upon myself the task of lugging the thing back to the car. Now it sits snuggly infront of me as I type this entry and it makes everything seem so much more epic. Well actually ironically because the resolutution is set so high the desktop has become so huge that most things seem under whelimg until you make them full screen. I never understood the benfits of a widescreen desktop until now. When blogger lets me put more pictures up I will show you what it looks like along with the rest of the picturs of NOVA which were denied to you by blogger. Thats all for saturday, see you in 9 hours for Sundays entry
hey! Did you take any video inside NOVA and if so are you gonna post it up?
Hey man, Nova sounds like my kind of place! I've tried to walk into PC World and bull shit about pc parts but I fail miserably and tend to walk away with only a mouse mat or somthing. Nice to see some pics up too.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend dude.
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