Monday, August 14, 2006

14.08.2006 Part 2: Spice Weasel

So the end of another day comes around. Conterary to my earlier post I am not writing this in the daytime but at night. I guess I should never make promises that my future self is unlikely to keep. Today was normal, normal weather normal activites, everything was really... normal. I went to SOGO to get some presents for my girlfriends birthday. Being the considerate boyfriend that I am I bought her manga. I figured It would bring us closer, giving us one more thing to talk about, even if that thing is my three of my favourite manga/anime series. Yes, I bought issue 1 of Bleach, School Rumble and Full Metal Alchemist in chinese for the little lady. She read Bleach in about 20 minutes after I advised her that it was a good one to start with. She said it was quite good, which was nice.

When I was in SOGO I had a bit of a geographical head spin for a second when In search of a book, I suddenly realised that everything was in Japanese. I dont just mean a shelf either I mean every shelf in a 10 meter radius. I had a panic attack for a second and I honestly thought these past two months were a dream and I was actually still in Japan. It all seemed to plausable, that I had been so hungover and sleep deprived one night in Tokyo that I had stumbled into a 24 hour manga cafe and just hallucinated two month in on an Island three hours away. Turns out I was just in a Japanese book shop and I am actually a bit mental. I am after all in Taiwan, I think.

Tomorrow is a normal day, except a Birthday, although having given her the presents early the linch pin of my plans has already been deployed. I guess we will go out for a meal, relax, forget about the struggles of working life. Her working life not mine.

Not much to say or do now sept try and put some pictures up once again...

Nah, no such luck! Damn you bloggeeeeeeeeerr!

Till next time,


Blogger Dave said...

The curse of Blogger strikes! Me want pictures! Happy Birthday to Pei for tomorrow! hope you both have a rockin day. I might get Liz manga for her birthday...oh wait she reads your blog. Shit that ideas out the window!

Peace and crackers bud


8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaron - it wouldn't suprise me if it did turn out you were still in Japan - after all, I'm presuming thats where Ade is as we've had no contact from him since you guys got back...Unless something "I know what you did last summer-ish" happened out there and you and Tom are harbouring a dark secret....

PS Dave- D'oh!

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah - would you say Happy Birthday to Pei from me - hope she has a grrrrrrreat day!

9:11 AM  

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