Thursday, September 28, 2006

28.09.2006 - Self doubt and a change of location, make for good bloging material.

Ok since these things always lose momentum when I actively try to make them big im just going to begin by detailing some of the things that have happened since I last blogged.

Trivial Things:

I bought three new PSP games, Finder Love, Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 2 and harvest moon.

Earl and Family guy are back on TV and awesome as ever, this really helps with the home sickness, especially as it helps me to reminise about the wonderful weekly TV round up Tom and I would have back at university.

I found the perfect beer snack today.

Important Things:

Im moving out of my current location and moving into a place on my own in thirteen days. Its still pretty close to work and has a nice feel to it. The reasons, I just feel its time for me to start out on my own, try to take full responsibility for my existance here now that I almost can.

Im making friends out here now. Not only did I spend one saturday round at one of my co teachers houses but I also met a couple of really cool canadian guys who are also teachers and seem to be cool guys. We chatted about all things televison and how difficult kids can be. Its a nice feeling to know that you are not alone, I hope I can maintain some friendships out here since it really takes the edge off the culture shock.

Thats all for now!

Till next time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on Arrone..we are are dying to know what the perfect beer snack is that you it!...SOON!@!!

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey man, glad your makin friends, kudos on the new place too, glad things are taking shape

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear that you are doing ok over there man. We watched Dogma on C4 last night and is seemed so strange to see Jason Lee pre-Earl looking so darn young and clean shaven! It would be cool to see some pictures of your new place when you are there, maybe you could get some posted up?

Stay cool

4:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you bloggin soon?

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaron - where are you man? Its never been this long between your blogs and I'm starting to get severe withdrawal symptoms. Hope you are ok dude.


5:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

c'mon aaron -when you bloggin?

5:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

come on blogg!!!!!!!!!!

5:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi aaron i agree with mr impatient we all look forward to your daily blogs! please blog soon!!!!

5:13 AM  

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