Wednesday, September 13, 2006

(13.09.2006) MMI: Where we always forget to put the new cover sheets on our TPS reports.

Poor time management is the bane of my existence at the moment. If effects the quality of my work and it effects the stability of this blog. I’ve started to create a schedule which as much contains necessary jobs as it does necessary fun stuff. A schedule the likes of which have never been seen, complete life management, allocated time periods of action which is going to drill into me a sense of order in this hectic bizarrely paced life. Actually no wait, scratch that idea, Ill just try a little harder.

So anyway, after my rather downbeat last blog I have decided to come back with a more positive one. My parents evening went off without a hitch and every party was happy with progress and such. I thought I was however sweating so profusely on the way over, I feared I was going to have to say I got caught in the rain! That bad. Rather than acclimatizing to the heat of this country I am getting sweatier each day, drenched even. Luckily I always find time to take multiple showers, but the sheer amount of liquid that leaves my body sometimes is astounding. Obviously it doesn’t help that I don’t go to the gym or do any sports or any physical activity, the four minutes to work on bike don’t really count either. How is that description a positive one? Oh well, nothing is making sense so far..

So now its mid week and I have that midweek feeling, you know that feeling when you’re best laid plans wear a little thin and your best ideas don’t seem like they are going to stretch all that well until Friday. It is for this reason that planning for next month will be solid and meticulous. Every detail will be planned ahead, so that all that needs to be done is deploy the already sorted resources and ideas without having to do so much on the spot brainstorming. I know I’m still pretty new at all this but a little more forward planning could help me avoid this mid week feeling of flapping in the wind.

That said, I know I will be fine now. I don’t want to tempt fate but I look back on old blogs where things seem so worrying and daunting and I come on here and moan about it. And it’s nothing in the end. And I worked myself up and wasted breath on something which was well within my capabilities in the first place. So enough of that. Now, I have to get back to work.

Skip forward eight hours and I am at home about to post this up. I wasted an evening doing pretty much nothing and now I have to think about planning the rest of the week in the wee small hours before bedtime. I will truly and honestly work on that time management thing.

Till next time,
Where you never know I might actually talk about something other that myself,
This has been MMI

PS. Thanks for the continuous support for the blog, it seems like a fair few people are reading it, which makes me want to improve the quality of the content. Allthough ive always been told that I want never gets.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man,
Glad the parents evening went ok for you dude. Like you said, it seems that the things you are worrying about tend to turn out ok in the end. Peace be with you good buddy.

Dave x

1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude - glad to hear you managed to make it through the sweaty parents evening alright! Hope the rest of your week goes well.

Liz :o)

6:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh congrats on the parrents evening thing.... tell me honestly tho how many of the mums did you want to nail?
Im sure you girlfriend wont read this and its much more healthy then wanting the screw the children

5:40 AM  

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