Well, another week is over and I finally get around to blogging. I wouldnt so much call weekends an escape from my work life, because the nature of the job means you never really feel like you are doing physical work, but they are a time when you can sleep easy, safe in the knowledge that even if you wake up early, you didnt have to so you can spend those blisful quiet morning hours all to yourself. I like to have a cup of coffee, check the email to see what I have been forgetting to check or download and generally centre myself. I also take the time to charge the phone, the ipod and now the psp. I get my podcasts in there for a weekly dripfeed of mundane chat and now I am rendering an entire weeks worth of downloaded anime and TV shows in mp4 format so I can watch them on the PSP at my leisure. Im not going to sing the praise of the PSP again like I did last time but I never realised you could browse the net on them too, and not like restricted WAP net, I mean the whole net via wireless and when I find someone else with a PSP, possibly my girlfriends little sister and going to be playing some wi fi ad hoc tekken and bleach. I love my PSP.
Which saddens me even more to think how many new games and gadgets I am missing right now at TGS 2006. It worse because I know I could have gone had i just planned a little further ahead of the date. Truth is I could decide now to go, and be there just after lunch if work commitments and common sense were no objects. I have promised myself that I am going next year and console myself that everything that is getting shown, ie PS3 and Wii are going to be out in the shops shortly after. I think I have decided on getting PS3 when It comes out. Simply because all of the playstations so far have been great consoles and stood the test of time whilst other consoles wavered. Lets go back a little and look at my history with gaming machines shall we....
The first console I ever had was the SEGA Master System. I loved it to death and alot of my primary school memories are based around the games I played or traded with my friends. Some of the most engrosing and playable games of memory were Alex Kid, Micky Mouse and the Enchanted Castle, Cloud Master, Double Dragon, Donald Duck's Lucky Dime Caper and R-Type. This started an on going love for SEGA consoles. Allthough I would never actually own a Mega Drive I often coveted it as an infinatley powerful big brother to my master system. I remember playing other peoples mega drives alot though and remember just how wonderful the Sonic games were and how chunky and usuable the pads were. Similarly I never owned a SNES but played other peoples, I loved super mario world for its cartoony visual style and character design but never likes the SNES until I grew up and learned how to work an emulator.
I still play Mario and Donky Kong to this day and I think they are great achievements. Post playstation the market was awash with daft and pointless so called next gen consoles like the Jaguar and the Panasonic CDI. The Mega CD and 32x were the console of only the richest kids when I was growing up and the Transformer like plastic obelisk which was constructed from all three consoles was made all the more pointless with the sheer lack of games released in England. When the Playstation came out, everything changed. It was small, quick and had the best control pad I had ever seen. It had CD games and videos, and had the best visuals I had ever seen. It had final fantasy VII and Metal gear Solid, two of the most imortant titles of my game playing experience. Needless to say the Playstation changed the gaming world for the better and everyone loved it, I was a houshold name and it was given the support it needed and backing by Sony to give us thousands of great games.
Now right now I was about to talk about the Sega Dreamcast but I felt like I couldnt express in words how much I loved that console. Instead that is a story for another day.
Wait, where was I going with this, oh right, so playstation one was great, playstation 2 was even better. Everyone knows this, this is why it is continually the top selling console around the world and even if PS3 didnt come out, it would continue to sell and we would all continue to play. They say that final fantasy 12 is the swan song of PS2, but for me, it has to be Taiko no Tatsujin. Not it doesnt push the machines hardware with fancy effect but for sheer gameplay and creative imagery, Taiko no Tatsujin on Ps2 is the best Bemani game I have played on any console. Its adictive, I cant stop playing when I start, Its impossible, I have tried, once you finish one song song you have to play another 25 before something drags you away. I know this now, so I avoid playing it when I have anything to do during that entire day. Its dangourous I tell you.
I forget where I was going with this really and ive been typing for a long time now. oh yeah, Playstaion and sony are awesome. Im sure the Wii will be good too, but you have to make a choice right. Maybe I can convince my girlfriend to get a Wii since she bought a DSlite when I got my PSP. Im really hungry and I need to make that coffee I was promising myself and find food from somewhere. Right, Ill excuse myself until next time, hope evryone is good and pleased that I ranted in no paticular direction with no structure for a while. At least Im posting again.
Ok, bye!